Diversity Sparks Innovation

This is an oldie, but a goodie. The call for speakers and panels to be gender inclusive has been around for years.
When was the last time you reviewed your conference agenda to ensure that your speakers represented a cross section of society? For example, women, people of colour, young people, disabled people? Do your panels represent the demographics you're discussing?
Events that are inclusive create huge benefits for their audience and their organisation:
They create events of belonging where everyone can thrive
Generate ideas and perspectives from different parts of society and cultures
Encourage young people to join your industry by including them in the line up
Demonstrate that your event and industry advocate and champion DEI & climate action
Demonstrate that your brand is forward thinking
Help advance a culture of diversity, inclusion and equity for your workforce
Keep your event relevant to you audience
The next generation will have little tolerance for those organisations that don't value diversity. This is a first step to ensuring your organisation and it's events grow and attract future generations.
New Intent is here to support you on your journey with DEI & climate action. Contact us to make DEI your key to success.
